Expertise when you need it


About Two Sons Property Solutions

Meet our property Solutions Experts

Throughout his career, Tony has been part of teams that have built homes, schools, hospitals, theaters, community centers, a world class bio-pharmaceutical campus, stadiums, and the Facebook headquarters. All with state of the art technologies and industry leading practices. As a father of two boys, he began to notice how families and smaller businesses were in need of professional assistance and unable to find it. At school gatherings, little league, AYSO, birthday parties, conversations would typically turn to ” we have a problem with…” sometimes it was electrical, others plumbing, and unfortunately many times a problem with the individual that guaranteed a fix and couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver. Tony decided to become the solution to this problem and open his own business where he could bring the experience, quality and professional craftsmanship that smaller businesses and individuals deserve.

What We Offer

Our Services

We specialize in bringing our customers quality, hassle free, and timely solutions to all their electrical and plumbing needs. Our goal is to grant you peace of mind by teaming together, understanding the issues, and providing the proper remedy.

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